Submission of Manuscript
Manuscript should be submitted as attached files on e-mail to the Editor-in-Chief (Akira Asakura) of P-SMBL at the following address:
Submitted papers must not have been published nor be under consideration for publishing elsewhere in any languages. Nomenclature must be in agreement with the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature ( Authors are advised to deposit type specimens in national or international public museums or collections. Authors are also advised to request registration numbers of deposited material in advance of the acceptance of papers and include the registration numbers in the manuscript.
The submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two referees, and only those papers evaluated their scientific findings are worth for publication will be accepted. Such papers that are judged not paid sufficient attention to the wildlife conservation and the humane treatment of animals will not be accepted.
For the purpose of review, the text part of the manuscript should be submitted as a MS Word file. If the manuscript is with less than 10 figures, all figures should be mounted in the same file of the text part. If the manuscript is with numerous figures, all figures should be converted into one PDF file. Authors of accepted papers will be asked to submit high resolution figures as TIFF files.