From Shiino (1963). Publ Seto Mar Biol Lab 11(2): 403-407.
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SHIINO, Sueo. Japanese biologist (taxonomy of crustaceans)
Assistant Professor, Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, Kyoto University
Professor, Mie University
- 椎野季雄(1964)「動物系統分類学 7上:節足動物」内田亨監修。中山書店
- 椎野季雄(1969)「水産無脊椎動物学」培風館
Papers on P-SMBL
- Shiino, Sueo M. (1952) A new genus and two new species of the order Tanaidacea found at Seto. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 2(2): 53-68.
- Shiino, Sueo M. (1963) On Trebius longicaudatus Shiino (Copepoda : Caligoida) found on the fetus of Squatina nebulosa Regan. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 11(2): 403-407.
- Shiino, Sueo M. (1963) Note on Lepeophtheirus semicossyphi Yamaguti (Copepoda : Caligoida). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 11(2): 409-414.