HABE, Tadashige 波部忠重
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HABE, Tadashige(21 Mar 1916 - 29 Dec 2001). Japanese biologist (malacology)
Research Associate, Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, Kyoto University
Assistant Professor, Kyoto University (1949)
Associate Professor, Amakusa Marine Biological Laboratory, Kyushu University
Researcher, National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo (1962)
Professor, Tokai University (1981)
President, Malacological Society of Japan (1979-1994)
President Emeritus, Malacological Society of Japan
President Emeritus, Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Orders of the Sacred Treasure (Zuiho-Sho)(3rd class) (1986)
- 波部忠重(1951-1952)「日本産貝類概説」.貝類文献刊行会
- 波部忠重(1960)「天草臨海実験所近海の生物相(軟体動物)九州大学天草臨海実験所
- 波部忠重(1960)北海道尻岸内附近の貝類相(1) 斧足綱(二枚貝綱). 尻岸内臨海実験所近海の生物相
- 波部忠重(1961)北海道尻岸内附近の貝類相(2) 腹足綱(巻貝綱). 尻岸内臨海実験所近海の生物相.
- 波部忠重(1961)「続・原色日本貝類図鑑」.保育社
- 波部忠重・伊藤潔(1965)「原色世界貝類図鑑 北太平洋編」.保育社
- 波部忠重・小菅貞男(1966)「原色世界貝類図鑑 熱帯太平洋編」.保育社
- 波部忠重(1968)「カラーブックス157 日本の貝」.保育社
- 山下金義・波部忠重(1970)海岸の生物 (自然の観察アルバム)
- 黒田徳米・波部忠重・大山桂(1971)生物学御研究所編「相模湾産貝類」.丸善
- 波部忠重(1975)「カラー自然ガイド 貝の博物誌」.保育社
- 波部忠重(1977)「二枚貝綱/掘足綱―日本産軟体動物分類学」.北隆館
- 黒田徳米・波部忠重 (1981) 和歌山県産貝類目録 和歌山県産貝類目録刊行会
- 奥谷 喬司 ・波部 忠重 (1983) 貝I, II (学研生物図鑑)
- 落合明・波部忠重 (1994) 原色ワイド図鑑 (魚・貝) 学研
- 波部忠重、西脇三郎、奥谷喬司(1994-1999)「軟体動物学概説」 上・下.サイエンティスト社
Selected papers on P-SMBL
- Habe, Tadashige (1952) Parasitic gastropods found in echinoderms from Japan. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 2(2): 73-85
- Tokioka, Takasi; Habe, Tadashige (1953) Droplets from the plankton net XI. a new type of littorina-capsula. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 3(1): 55-59
- Habe, Tadashige (1953) Fissurellidae in Japan (2). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 3(1): 33-50
- Habe, Tadashige (1953) Studies on the eggs and larvae of the Japanese gastropods (4). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 3(2): 161-167
- Habe, Tadashige (1953) Notes on the type specimens of three species of Japanese molluscs described by F. jousseaume. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 3(2): 169-17
- Habe, Tadashige (1954) Report on the Mollusca chiefly collected by the s. s. Soyo-maru of the imperial fisheries experimental station on the continental shelf bordering japan during the years 1922-1930 - Part 1. Cephalaspidea. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 3(3): 301-318
- Kuroda, Tokubei; Habe, Tadashige (1957) On a new genus of the family Oocoryidae. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 6(1): 27-29
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